Taking Care of our Bodies

August 29, 2021 00:03:53
Taking Care of our Bodies
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Taking Care of our Bodies

Aug 29 2021 | 00:03:53


Show Notes

Have you ever wondered why God created us with bodies? Why aren’t we just disembodied spirit creatures floating around everywhere? Why do we need bodies? We may never know the answer. But we do know that our bodies are important to Godotherwise, He wouldn’t have made us this way. He created us as bodies, He loves us, and He dwells in us through the Holy Spirit if we know Jesus. Think about that for a minute. Jesus came to earth as a body, died on the cross as a body, resurrected as a body from the grave, and ascended to heaven as a body. And if you know Jesus, the totally holy, all-knowing, all-powerful God of the universe dwells in your physical body. Not only that, but when Jesus returns, He will resurrect your permanent, everlasting body from the grave to live with Him forever in renewed creation. And if our bodies are as much us as our souls, and our bodies matter that much to Jesus, let’s consider what that means for how we treat our bodies. If Jesus loves us enough to die on the cross to resurrect usbody and soulthen it makes sense for us to love our bodies through: 1. Exploring and enjoying different nutritious foods. 2. Finding fun ways to move and strengthen and stretch our bodies. 3. Setting aside time to rest so our bodies can be restored. 4. Listening to the advice of medical professionals like doctors and therapists because God has given them wisdom and knowledge to help us be healthy. 5. Avoiding harmful substances. 6. Living out a gospel-centered sexuality that recognizes God’s intent for sex to be an expression of marriage between husband and wife. All these are acts of loving our bodies and worshiping the God who created and sustains us. They are reminders of God’s goodness, which He infused all of creation with. And they point us to Jesus, who promises to perfectly restore our bodies when He returns. Taylor Eising What kinds of healthy foods do you enjoy? What is your favorite kind of exercise? Since your body is not a container you live inside but is as much you as your soul is you, how might this affect the way you live? Why does it matter that Jesus cares about your body? I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Psalm 139:13-16; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 15:20-26; 1 Timothy 4:8

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