READ: PSALMS 106:1-2; 146:6-10; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18
When I look at my hands, each finger formed by You,
When I feel the wind, each breath coming because of You,
When I hear the noise of a crowd or the quiet of a peaceful place,
All of this points to You. How can I not thank You?
When I move my body, all my strength given by You,
When I blink in the sunshine, the brightness coming from You,
When I listen to the trickle of a stream or the boom of thunder,
All of this points to a creator. How can I not thank You?
When I feel stressed then have tensions eased,
When hard things come up then somehow go away,
When fear or grief fills my body, but I can still go forward,
All of this is because of you. How can I not thank You?
Whether bringing me joy when I am down
Or showing Your love through created things,
Whether listening when I need to talk or speaking to me
To show me the way,
Whether taking the pain or just being with me in it,
I thank you for everything You are.
Because of You, I will forever be filled with gratitude. • Emily Acker
• Do you ever get caught up in thinking about all God has done for you? As we notice God’s good gifts and thank Him, we often find that our confidence in His goodness grows. Consider taking some time to thank Him right now. You could start by just looking at your own body and how it all works, or feeling the wind and the sunshine, or remembering a time God helped you. And even when it’s hard to think of anything we can be sincerely thankful for, we can always thank Jesus for coming to save us by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we have the sure hope of living with Him in renewed creation, forever free of all pain and sorrow. And that good gift outshines them all.
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30 (NIV)
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