That Long Driveway

July 14, 2021 00:03:37
That Long Driveway
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
That Long Driveway

Jul 14 2021 | 00:03:37


Show Notes

I stood at the end of a long, long driveway. It was pretty, with pine trees neatly lining it and a shimmering pond on the other side, but it was so long. I was working door-to-door book sales that summer, and it was a tough Job I’d worked all morning and sold just three books. And I didn’t want to walk down that driveway. I could picture the scenario in my head already. I’d make it all the way up the driveway, someone would come out, kick me off their property, and say they weren’t interested. Hadn’t that already happened seventeen million times that day? “Faithfulness in little things,” I muttered. Alright God, I said. I’m going. When I finally reached the end of the driveway, an older woman came out of the house and met me. “Great,” I thought. “She’s going to bid me adieu before I even have a chance.” But she didn’t. In fact, she wanted a book, but she didn’t have money for it. Discouraged, I thanked her for her time and left. As I neared the end of her driveway, I heard her car behind me. I turned and waved, all friendly. The woman rolled down her window and blurted, Do you take check? I nodded, a bit surprised. Yeah, I do. I gave her the information, and she casually mentioned that she had written a check for one hundred dollars. I almost dropped my books. Ma’am, I stuttered, for that much you can have all my books. Shaking, I piled books onto her lap. She ripped up the check when she saw the rEsther I’m giving you two hundred, she said. I love these. And so, I gave her the books and, almost crying, thanked her. She smiled at me and said, God told me you needed this. After she left, I cried in thankfulness to God at the end of that long driveway. Judy Klein Have you ever experienced an extravagant gift like the one in today’s story? When we see God providing for His people (often through His people), it offers a glimpse into God’s character: He is the giver of all good gifts. The greatest gift God has given us is sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to show us His love and die in our place so that we could be forgiven. And Jesus rose from the dead, declaring that this is only the beginning (John 15:9-17; Acts 1:8)! What do you need today? What might you be able to give today? Every good gift and every perfect gift is from the Father of lights. James 1:17a (WEB)


Read Verses:

Matthew 25:14-29; Luke 16:1-15

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