The Challenge of Change

June 17, 2020 00:03:57
The Challenge of Change
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
The Challenge of Change

Jun 17 2020 | 00:03:57


Show Notes

If there’s one thing we can be certain of, it’s that nothing stays the same forever. Moving. Changing schools. Leaving school forever. New friends. New teachers. New challenges. Changes within our family or within our church. Our lives are in a constant state of flux. How do you feel about change? Is it something you embrace or tend to run a mile from? Floods. Earthquakes. Landslides. One distressing event after another. It can be unsettling to watch the news. But that’s where the good news comes in! God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Another word for refuge is fortressa strong tower we can run to. God is not just present; He’s VERY present. That means He’s not just a bystander, watching from afar. He’s intimately involved in the details of our lives. Jesus is always with us (Matthew 28:20). His Holy Spirit indwells us, even when we face seasons of challenging change (Luke 12:11-12). He’s with us when we walk through the doors of a new school. He’s with us when our family goes through hardship. He’s with us in the operating room. He’s with us in the exam. He’s with us when friends come and go. So whatever change or challenge you are facing today, remember: in Christ, God has not left you to face it alone. He’s not just present; He’s VERY present. You can count on Him to help you through your season of change. Angela Jelf Are you (or any of your friends) facing change today? Are you ever fearful when you turn on the news? Take a moment to talk to God, your refuge and ever-present help. How can the promises from today’s Bible passage bring you comfort in seasons of challenging change? God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 (NKJV)


Read Verses:

Psalm 46:1-2

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