If you’ve ever been to a funeral, the possibility that the deceased person will suddenly pop up to life again seems ridiculous. And yet that’s what Christians believe about Jesus. It takes a great leap of faith to believe that someone physically diedas dead as could be and then burst the chains of death to live again. But did you know God has given us examples of just that in His creation? The most outstanding example of death and rebirth occurs in butterflies. Maybe you’ve been able to watch this transformation in a classroom and were awed by it. During the pupa stage, inside the chrysalis (a protective shell), the caterpillar’s wormy old body basically dies. The new body the one that will be a beautiful butterflyis then formed. The caterpillar morphs into a brand-new winged creature. It breaks out of the tomb-like chrysalis and flutters among the flowers to delight us. We are thrilled if one lands on our shoulder, gently opening and closing its wings. Unlike the butterfly, however, Jesus rose from the grave never to die again, as we read in Romans 6:9. His beaten and battered body was transformedsimilar to the butterflyinto a glorious body that will never die. Jesus now lives with the Father in glory, and His Spirit has been given to dwell within us. And the best part? He has given that resurrection hope to those who believe, and we will also be raised from the grave never to die again. Susan Sundwall Read Romans 6. As Christians, what kind of transformation is the Holy Spirit working in us now, before we die? What questions do you have about the resurrection? Who are trusted Christians you could bring those questions tosuch as pastors, parents, counselors, or teachers? To learn more about what it means to put your trust in Jesus, who died and rose again, check out our “Know Jesus” page. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. Romans 6:5 (NIV)
Read Verses:
1 John 2:3-6; 3:21-24
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