Gideon hid near the winepress to thresh wheat so that the Midianiteshis enemieswould not find him and steal the wheat from his hands. But, while Gideon hid, God sent an angel to him, telling him he was to save the Israelites from the Midianites. Amazed, Gideon wondered, “Does God know who He’s talking to?” Gideon belonged to one of the lowest families of the tribe of Manasseh. He was also the least in his family, the youngest son. Normally, only the oldest son would be chosen for something so important. God assured Gideon that He was indeed talking to the right person. God would empower him to win this fight. To reassure Gideon, God even allowed him to ask for a sign. Gideon chose to lay out a dry fleece, asking God to make it soaking wet in the morning, even though the ground was dry. The next day, Gideon asked God to make the ground wet but keep the fleece dry. God answered with a yes both times. To assure Gideon further, God asked him to sneak down to the enemy’s camp. Enemy soldiers were discussing their fear that Gideon would defeat them: God has given the Midianites and the whole camp into his hands (Judges 7:14). Gideon recruited an army of thirty-two thousand soldiers, which God whittled to three hundred men. Amazingly, God used Gideon and that tiny army to protect the people of Israel from their enemies. Gideon even went on to lead the Israelites for forty years. When God saved His people from the Midianites, Gideon had nothing to offer: he was fearful, ill-equipped, and the least of his family and tribe. It’s the same with us. Without Jesus, we can’t be saved from sin and death. We have nothing more to offer God than Gideon did. Christ accomplished His peoples’ salvation on His ownall we have to do is put our faith in Him because He is the One who accomplishes the work (Ephesians 2:8-10). Anna Gregory What are some ways you have seen God use you for His kingdom? Why is it important that God is the One who equips us to do the work? To learn more about putting your faith in Jesus, check out our “Know Jesus” page. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Judges 6:1-7:25
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