Is Jesus really the only way? It depends on what you mean. The only way to what? He is certainly not the only identity. People manufacture identities for themselves all the time, from wealth to work to religion to romantic relationships. If you want identity in life, you have options. He is not the only source of community. Careers can provide community. So can family. Or the Flat Earth Society. Humans form communities everywhere, out of every situation. Jesus is certainly NOT the way to financial success or material wealth. In fact, His followers very often live in poverty. So what is He the only way to? Jesus is the full and complete revelation of God Himself, the Being who created all of reality (John 10:25-30; Hebrews 1:1-3). Jesus is the only way we can know God. We can’t get there through science, or philosophy, or religion. We have to know Jesus personally. That’s why He came to dwell with us (John 1:14). Simply put, Jesus is the only way to eternal life. He rose from the dead, beating death forever. As Christians, we look forward to when He will raise our bodies to life; we will dwell forever with God and His people (Revelation 21:1-5). We have a guarantee of our resurrections because Jesus has already risen and because He sent His Spirit to dwell in us (Ephesians 1:13-14; 2 Timothy 1:14). So Jesus isn’t the only way a person can try to go, but He is the only way that matters in the long run. Religions will die, movements will end, politicians will be disgraced. But Jesus lasts forever. Kevin Zeller Reread today’s Scripture passage. What is surprising about the way it portrays Jesus’ relationship with the Father? What does this passage tell us about the Holy Spirit? Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (NIV)
Read Verses:
John 14:6-17
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