He never got over being excited about the resurrection of Jesus. It was the central event of his life. Nearly every minute of every day throughout the year, his enthusiasm was obvious. His name was Rev. William J. Irey. I’m very thankful he was my dad. A lot of ministers and a lot of Christian parents approach the Christian life as dull, boring, and somber. Living in their homes is a dreary, restricted life. Dad was different. Our home was filled with laughter. Living the Christian life filled him with joy. It was the same way for Mom, but she just wasn’t as boisterous about it. People knew when Dad was around. When he talked about the resurrection, he’d nearly bounce for joy! And when Easter rolled around, he’d all but burst when he’d shout from the pulpit, He is risen! He is risen indeed! I used to say to myself, One of these Easters, he’s going to fly right out of the pulpit. When Dad died young, we were left heartbroken. We also clung to an unshakable belief in Christ’s resurrection because we had witnessed the all-consuming joy it can bring to a person’s life. Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, we know that when He returns, He will raise all His forgiven followers from the dead to be with Him forever. Even though my dad isn’t with us anymore, I still say of Christ, He is risen! He is risen indeed! I urge you to embrace this essential tRuth There is no more important event for your life. If you believe, it will change your life. Kathy Irey Do you know anyone who makes the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus the focus of their life? How does this affect the way they live? In your experience, does the Christian life seem to be joyful or full of restrictions? Why? God loves variety, and He created people with a variety of temperaments. Do you tend to be more expressive, like this dad, or more calm, like the mom? What does joy look like for you? He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Matthew 28:6 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Matthew 28:1-Matthew 28:15; 1 Corinthians 15:50-1 Corinthians 15:58
When life is busy, our minds are constantly full of things we have to do, places we have to go, and people we have...
READ: MARK 14:66-72; LUKE 19:1-10; ACTS 3:18-22; ROMANS 2:4 What do you do after you sin? That probably wasn’t the question you were expecting....
READ: PSALM 13; ISAIAH 41:9-13; 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3-11 Stuck in this grief I feel like You can’t see But You lift me up You...