I think of Andrew, Peter’s brother, as a seeker. When Jesus told His disciples to give the crowd of over five thousand people something to eat (Matthew 14:16), Andrew looked for a solution. I imagine him saying, Jesus, here is a lad with five barley loaves and two fish. Not enough to really feed this crowd. But Andrew pointed the boy out anyway. When they offered Jesus what they had, He multiplied the food to be more than enough! Sometimes, the things God wants to do seem impossible to us, but when God invites us to do something for Him, He provides a way. God gave me the desire to write for Him. I discovered words are powerful, so I learned to listen to people’s stories people like my friend Jane, who loved rainy days. Jane’s husband was a farmer, and rainy days were his days off. When it rained, they got to go to town together. Jane was always prepared to go if it rained. Her story reminds me of Andrew. When Jesus said to him, Come, follow me, Andrew dropped what he was doing and followed Jesus (Matthew 4:18-20)! I also learned to listen for God’s voice speaking to me. When I read the Bible, I am in awe of Jesus and how He told stories that still speak to people’s hearts today. But Jesus didn’t just tell stories He is the hero of the entire story of the Bible. He came to rescue us through His death and resurrection. And now, He invites us to follow Him and take part in His amazing story. In my own life, I wanted to tell people about Jesus, but I used to be terrified to speak to almost anyone who was not my family. So God provided people who helped me overcome my shyness, allowing me to speak and write for God. When God asks us to do something for Him, He will provide the training. As we rely on Him and seek His wisdom, He prepares us for what He calls us to do. Jesus never really sends us out empty-handed. Anna M. Gregory Do you feel like God is inviting you to do something to share His love? How might God be providing ways for you to do what He’s calling you to do? How can you set aside time to seek God in His Word? Who are trusted Christians who can help you discern God’s wisdom and encourage you to follow Him? And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 (NLT)
Read Verses:
John 6:1-15; Ephesians 2:10; 2 Peter 1:3
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