There Is a Room Prepared for You

November 15, 2021 00:03:37
There Is a Room Prepared for You
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
There Is a Room Prepared for You

Nov 15 2021 | 00:03:37


Show Notes

Before Jesus left this earth, before He rose from the dead, even before He went to the cross, He made a promise to His disciples. He let them know that they would see Him again one day. We can hold on to that same promise and know that Jesus is preparing a place in His kingdom for us and more than just a place, a room. What a special thing. If you’ve never felt very special here on earth, if you’ve never had your own space or anything that was truly just your own, Jesus said there are many rooms in His Father’s house, and He was going to prepare one for you. Try to image that Jesus, getting a room ready for you. You are greatly loved by our God, so much so that He is setting up a special place for you. Yet, while we wait for Jesus to return, we experience brokenness every day. This brokenness is caused by sin, either directly or indirectly. Our lives are affected by our own sins and the sins of others. Apart from Jesus, all people are caught in a cycle of sin. Life here on earth is often unfair. We don’t value other people as we should. We mistreat each other, ignore each other, and show favoritismgiving better help to some people rather than others. Even though God made us each wonderfully unique, there are many times when we just don’t feel special. But you do not belong in a broken world. God created this world good, and one day, Jesus will make it whole again. And if you’ve put your trust in Jesus, you will get to be part of renewed creation! Jesus has a special place for you in His kingdom, and when He returns, you will reign with Him. You can look forward to your future with Him because He is trustworthy to keep the promises He gives. Emily Acker What kinds of brokenness have you experienced lately? How might looking forward to Jesus’s return give you hope? Consider taking some time to imagine Jesus personally preparing a place for you. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? John 14:2 (CSB)


Read Verses:

John 14:1-John 14:7; Revelation 21:1-Revelation 21:5

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