Time to Celebrate

April 11, 2022 00:04:08
Time to Celebrate
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Time to Celebrate

Apr 11 2022 | 00:04:08


Show Notes

The Bible is full of celebrations! Moses, together with the Israelites, celebrated their escape from slavery in Egypt after God brought them through the Red Sea (Exodus 14-15). Later, the Israelites celebrated the victory of David and his warriors. God also gave His people several festivals that are described in the Bibletime set apart to thank God, rest from work, and enjoy His gifts (Leviticus 23). If there is anyone who loves celebrations and happy gatherings, it’s God! God is the author of merriment and celebrations. Jesus often attended gatherings and even made His first miracle turning water into wine at a wedding (John 2:1-11). Later, Jesus fed over 5,000 people to their satisfaction (Matthew 14:13-21). God loves making people happy because He loves us. God gives us good gifts the important things and even the small things (James 1:17). Making us joyful is one of the ways God makes us feel loved by Him. God is not a killjoy. He invites us to do things that will make us happy, and He guides us in what these are. Sometimes, we may think that sin will make us happy, but in the end, sin hurts us and those around us. When we turn away from sin and follow Jesus instead, we find true joy. Jesus said, I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance (John 10:10). If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we are forgiven, and as we yield to His Spirit in us we are freed from the power of sin. And we have the greatest joybeing united with the God who loves us! God likes it when we feel the joy of being blessed by Him. He gives us family and friends so we can enjoy living with them and spending time with each other with glad hearts. In addition to our natural families, God has also made us part of His family, the church. Together, we can enjoy and be happy with everything God has given us, thanking God for blessing us. Golda Dilema What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate? Why do you think God instructs His people to celebrate together? Let Israel celebrate its Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their King. Psalm 149:2 (CSB)


Read Verses:

Psalm 149:1-Psalm 149:5; Ecclesiastes 2:24-Ecclesiastes 2:25; Ecclesiastes 8:15

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