Trees, Mist, Humans, and God

October 08, 2019 00:04:12
Trees, Mist, Humans, and God
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Trees, Mist, Humans, and God

Oct 08 2019 | 00:04:12


Show Notes

When I was a little kid, I planted a tree in our backyard. It was really just a short branch that I stuck in the dirt and doused with water, but I was convinced it would grow. Then, about a week later, my brother was mowing the lawn. And, you guessed it, he mowed my tree right down. Another time, it was wintercold enough that you could see your breath in the air. My friends and I were goofing off, trying to take a picture of our foggy breath. But the fog always disappeared too quickly to get a good picture. What do these random memories have in common? They both remind us of what our lives are like. Psalm 103 says that our lives are like grass (kind of like my tree). It seems green and lush, but soon it has withered or been cut. James 4 compares our lives to mist or foglike breathing out on a cold day. One instant you can see it; the next, it’s gone. If you’re like me, those metaphors sound scary. What about our lives and plans for the future? The good news? That’s only half of the story. The first half of the story talks about us. The second talks about God. He’s in control, and He came in the flesh to live among us, experiencing the joys and the hurts of everyday life (Hebrews 4:14-16). He loves us and understands that our lives are like grass or mist. And, although our plans may not always work out, God is with us. His plan is not shaken. He is working everything for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Therefore, we can trust in Him. We can admit we don’t know everything, acknowledging that He is the One who is in control. Sure our lives are just a tiny dot in the grand scheme of things. But God’s big-picture kingdom plan is what matters: He has planned to give us a way to eternal life, through Christ’s death and resurrection (John 3:16). •Audrey Alessio What emotion do you feel when thinking about your future? Pride? Fear? What specific thing do you need to trust God about right now? Read Romans 8:1-3, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, and Ephesians 1:19-23. How does knowing that Jesus is in controland that He has beaten sin and deathchange your view of the future? You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21 (NLT)

Read Verses:

Psalm 103:13-18; James 4:13-15

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