Have you ever used a pressure canner? It looks like a large pot with a lid that clamps on securely. When you can food at home, you put the beans or corn or whatever you’re trying to preserve into glass jars, then place the jars in the pressure canner along with some water. As the canner is heated up, the heat causes pressure to build up inside, which cooks and preserves the food in the jars, and it also seals the jars. When they’re done, the canned food can be stored for a year or more, and it won’t spoil. But sometimes, while the canner is still building up pressure, you might hear a loud CRACK! If one of the glass jars had a weak spot, the pressure inside the canner could cause it to break. It couldn’t handle the pressure.
Do you ever feel like a jar that can’t handle the pressure? There’s pressure everywhere! People might try to get us to do things we know are wrong, and if we don’t, they might make us feel like we’re the one who’s wrong. Being under that kind of pressure is exhausting.
But pressure can work two ways, like in the pressure cooker. It cooks the food and keeps it from spoiling, but sometimes it makes a jar crack. Pressure in our lives can work that way too. God often uses pressure to preserve us by reminding us we belong to Jesus and He is with us, helping us. But sometimes when we’re under pressure, we crack and give in to temptation.
The truth is, we all have weak spots that are prone to cracking, but once we know Jesus, we also have the power of God’s Spirit to help us. He’ll give us strength even when we’re tempted to do things that we know go against God’s good ways. When we feel that pressure, God welcomes us to come to Him and tell Him about it. We can ask for His help, and He will sustain us. The Holy Spirit reminds us of God’s truth and gives us the strength we need to do what’s right—and even if we do give in under pressure, God will forgive us so we can start over. It can be hard not to give in to the pressure to go along with what everyone else seems to be doing. But in every temptation, He is with us, ready to help us stand firm so we don’t crack. • A. W. Smith
• When do you feel the most pressured? In times like these, how could it be helpful to remember that we belong to Jesus and we have His Spirit in us? Remember, we can always talk to God, and we can also share our struggles with trusted Christians. What are some ways we can help each other resist temptation, and also remind each other of Jesus’s love and forgiveness when we fail?
The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. 2 Timothy 4:18 (NIV)
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