We Serve Because He Served

January 23, 2022 00:03:37
We Serve Because He Served
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
We Serve Because He Served

Jan 23 2022 | 00:03:37


Show Notes

On the night before Jesus went to the cross, He washed the feet of His disciples. This was a very unusual act that surprised them, especially Peter, because only servants were required to do this, and they would only wash the feet of those higher than them. Jesus soon after explained what He’d done. He said, You call me ââ¬ËTeacher’ and ââ¬ËLord,’ and you are right, because that’s what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you (John 13:13-15). Jesus served His disciples by washing their feet, and in turn He told them to serve each other. Jesus is humble, considerate, kind, gentle, forgiving, and loving and Jesus produces these same character attributes in His followers. Like the disciples, you are also a child of God if you’ve put your trust in Jesus by believing in His life, death, and resurrection. And you are called to lovingly serve others like Jesus has lovingly served you. This is an important part of being in God’s community. There are lots of ways you can serve. God has given each of us the ability to serve and help other people. Sometimes He calls us to do things that are considered lowly, like washing feet, and there are also times when God calls us to serve by using our talents, or things we’re naturally good at doing. What are you good at? What do you enjoy or love doing? Whatever talents you have, God gave you such a talent for you to enjoyand to share with others! How might God be giving you opportunities to use your talent to serve other people? If you’re feeling hesitant to serve, remember that God will equip, enable, and empower you to serve others as you rely on His love. Golda Dilema It can be challenging to follow Jesus’s command to serve. When do you feel reluctant to serve? How are Jesus’s commands to serve and to love related? (John 13:1, 34) For even the Son of Man [Jesus] came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45 (NLT)


Read Verses:

John 13:1-John 13:17; Mark 10:45

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