We all wonder what our purpose is in life. We wonder why we’re here and what we’re called to do. The good news? We don’t have to search far to find the answer, because throughout the Bible, God’s Word, we see clearly that our purpose is to worship God, our Creator. We were made to praise God, and, in Christ, we are empowered to do so through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8). Simply put, we are called to bring God glory in everything (1 Corinthians 10:31). But what does that look like? Yes, it means praising Him at church, but it also means praising Him when you’re doing your chores, when you’re at work, when you’re playing sports, and when you’re babysitting. Even these ordinary, routine things can and do bring Him glory when we offer them as worship as we rely on the Holy Spirit. So, worship Him with every breath you breathe when going about your day. After all, He’s the One who blessed you with each day in the first place. In Christ, our entire lives can be worship before Him. Finally, worshiping Jesus is to walk with Himin the everyday moments, in studying His Word, and in gathering with other Christians to worship Him together. Jesus wants us to recognize worship as our purpose. Because worship is a beautiful thingthe thing we’re made for. Loana Nicole What are some practical ways you can worship the Lord today? The book of Psalms in the Bible is filled with worship songs to God. The psalmists talked with God about what was going on in their livesthanking Him, praying for others, confessing their sins, sharing their hurts and questions with Him, and praising Him for who He is. All of these actions are a part of worship. Which of these things do you find the easiest to talk with God about? The hardest? Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Hallelujah! Psalm 150:6 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Psalm 100; Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 3:23-24
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