Where Do You Turn?

March 06, 2025 00:04:05
Where Do You Turn?
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Where Do You Turn?

Mar 06 2025 | 00:04:05


Show Notes


When things get tough, my instinct is to run—run to everything else and away from what is causing me pain and stress. I run to overworking. I run to comfort. I run away from staying connected with others.

We all have vices we turn to when things get tough. It’s easy to go to things like overwork, exercise, screen time, food, shopping, or busyness because we like to think they fill something in us that we’re seeking. It’s easy to run to something else because it takes our minds off of what is truly going on in our lives.

But that’s not where we want to go. Even good things—like exercise and work—can turn into something sinful when we begin to idolize them. Sometimes we don’t recognize it at first because we convince ourselves we’re doing a good thing. We justify our actions because we say what we’re doing is for the benefit of ourselves or others.

The problem is, there can quickly come a point where we turn to those things instead of to God. That’s when we know we have crossed a line. That’s when we know we need to turn back to the only one who can fill us.

Only Jesus can satisfy our deepest needs. Once we’ve put our trust in Jesus— believing He died and rose again to save us—we don’t have to chase after idols anymore. As we rest in His love, we often find that idols begin to lose their appeal. And even when we are facing tough times, Jesus gives us strength to persevere. • Tynea Lewis

• What do you tend to turn to when you get stressed? How have these things let you down?

• We’re all guilty of turning good gifts from God into idols, especially when life is hard. But God has so much compassion on us, and He invites us to come to Him and be refreshed in His presence. Consider taking a moment to pray, confessing any idolatry that comes to mind, resting in Jesus’s sure forgiveness, and being honest with Him about all the needs and longings you have today.

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them. But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you…I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’” Jonah 2:8-9 (NIV) 

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