Worship: Not Based on Feelings

August 31, 2020 00:04:20
Worship: Not Based on Feelings
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Worship: Not Based on Feelings

Aug 31 2020 | 00:04:20


Show Notes

David’s identity changed a lot over the course of his life. He went from shepherd to outlaw to king. Through it all, we see his heart through the psalms he wrote. Even when he hid from King Saul in a cave, even when remorse overwhelmed him after he murdered Uriah, even as he grieved the death of his son, he chose to focus his heart on worshiping God because of God’s unchanging identity. What’s cool about David’s lifestyle is he didn’t reserve his worship for the good seasons. He didn’t worship only when playing his harp for Saul or when writing songs while in the fields with the sheep. He worshiped even in life-threatening situations. When we look at David’s life we see a very freeing truthworshiping God is a lifestyle choice. There’s a story in 2 Samuel 23 when David craved water from a certain well. His strongest men broke through the Philistine camp, got the water, and brought it to David. Overwhelmed, David offered it to God by pouring it out on the ground. Lamentations 2:19 tells its audience, Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. There’s a difference between singing songs on a Sundaydonut in one hand, coffee in the otherand pouring out our hearts to God, choosing to remember His character when we feel defeated. Worshiping through songs is an integral part of our walk with God. But singing is only part of worship. Choosing a lifestyle of worship means focusing on God’s character even when others are against us, even when we’ve sinned against God and need to repent, even when our world is falling apart. It means coming to God and pouring out our heartsin good and bad times (Hebrews 4:14-16; 1 Peter 5:7). Worship as a lifestyle means our worship should be based not on our feelings but on God’s character. This should encourage us. Our feelings will come and go, but His character will always stay the same. That’s something worth worshiping! Sarah Rexford What does it look like for you to choose to worship God right now, based on His character rather than your feelings? How does this free you to be honest with God, no matter how you feel? Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Psalm 33:3-4 (NIV)


Read Verses:

2 Samuel 12:19-20; Psalm 51:4; 142:1-5

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