Worshippers around the World

December 25, 2022 00:04:00
Worshippers around the World
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Worshippers around the World

Dec 25 2022 | 00:04:00


Show Notes

The air was full of excitement. It was Christmas day, and everyone was
preparing to go to church. I also prepared myself to go and worship among
others at the small village church that had become the center of attraction
on this day.


Every Christmas, the church would be filled with worshippers. Everyone
would be waiting to hear the story told again. In one way or another,
everyone participated in telling the story of the Messiah’s birth, either
in greetings or in singing those beautiful Christmas carols. Christmas day
was indeed a special day to me. As a teenager, I would always wait in great
anticipation to join with all the congregants in singing the Christmas
carols as we celebrated the Messiah’s birth. Oh, the joy that we felt!
Singing and praising Jesus Christ our Savior who was born on such a day for


According to Luke 2:15-17, after the angel proclaimed the birth of Jesus to
a group of shepherds, they decided to go to Bethlehem to see what had
happened. There, they found Mary and Joseph and the newborn baby lying in a
manger, just as the angel had told them. Then they told others what the
angel had said about the childthat He was the Messiah, the Lord, the
Savior they had all been waiting for (verse 11).


Today being Christmas day, many people around the world are preparing to
gather together to hear the story of the birth of Jesus proclaimed and to
worship Him. Let us join with other Christians as we praise our Lord who
came to save us, and let us also proclaim the good news of the Messiah’s
birth to those around us! Enid Adah Nyinomujuni


Celebrating the birth of Jesus as the promised Messiah can happen
anywhere and anytime! How can you celebrate this good news today? Even if
you can’t gather with other Christians, you can know that your brothers and
sisters are rejoicing with you all around the world!


I rejoiced with those who said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Psalm 122:1; Matthew 2:1-Matthew 2:11; Luke 2:8-Luke 2:17

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