Lord, how I long to turn your creation into art.
How I long to paint the light,
Where there once was dark
How I long to sing of the waters,
Where there once was nothing
How I long to write of the flowers,
Where once no land was found
How I long to sketch the stars,
Where once the sky was empty
How I long to play a melody the birds would sing,
Where the fish will splash along
How I long to photograph the animals,
Where once nothing trotted
How I long to act as the people before me,
Where once no people were alive
How I long to be an artist,
Where you were the original Artist
Lord, how I long to turn your creation into art. • Kimberly Brokish
• What is your favorite art form? Painting, singing, writing, drawing, sculpting, playing an instrument, photography, theater, etc.? God created everything out of nothing—and He specifically made humans in His image. He invites us to use whatever talents, abilities, and resources He has given us to create things that are beautiful, thought-provoking, or useful out of what He has already made. And, if we know Jesus, the Holy Spirit helps guide our creative process. How might God be inviting you to use your creativity today?
In the beginning God created… Genesis 1:1a (CSB)
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