Latest Episodes
Study God’s Word
Do you prefer to dip your fries in ketchup or ranch? Some will vote for ketchup, and some will vote for ranch. Others will...
The Landkeeper
There is a Land beyond the river. A perfect Land, not flawed like our own. But the journey is so difficult, it requires perfection....
Trees, Mist, Humans, and God
When I was a little kid, I planted a tree in our backyard. It was really just a short branch that I stuck in...
Defining Voices
They blare in our headphones, they shine out from our devices: defining voices of this world. They come subtly, yet suddenly, averting our gaze...
Freedom in Christ
Have you ever felt weighed down by this world? Like you were a slave to the sin and pain of the past? I’ve been...
Faithful Servants: John Wycliffe
How many times have you been told to read the Bible? Imagine sitting down in church and hearing the pastor say, Don’t you dare...