READ: ACTS 2:42-47; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-27; PHILIPPIANS 4:10-20
One year, our family faced long months of unemployment. Jobs were scarce. So was money. I did everything I could think of to make ends meet, but a Christmas feast would be out of the question this year. It wasn’t the end of the world. It was only food, after all.
Then, a few days before Christmas, a woman at our church called and asked if we’d like our name added to the list of those receiving Christmas food boxes. Funny how God humbles us from time to time, isn’t it? Just a few years earlier, I had been on the giving end of Christmas giving, happily delivering fudge and goodies to families in need.
And now, behold, our need. I swallowed my pride so that my family could swallow turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, and pie. There was more besides: food for the next several days, and even small gifts, one for each of my children. The heart of the Father, generous and good, displayed through the hands and hearts of His children on earth. This is how He wants His church to be.
God’s master plan was never for us to go it alone. We are each equipped with gifts from God to be the hands of Jesus for one another on this earth. In community, one with the other, sometimes we get to be the hand extended, to help someone stand. Other times, we are allowed seasons of want, where we extend our hand upward, humble to receive. What we receive from others is given from the generosity of God’s own hand.
He gave Himself, and He did so through people. Birthed by Mary, cared for by Joseph, proclaimed by shepherds, adored by Magi, hailed by Anna and Simeon. Each one played their part in God’s plan of ultimate salvation, to bring humankind unto Himself. God’s hand reaching down. Our hands reaching up. To receive the gift of salvation. • Kristen Merrill
• Have you ever been in a low spot, but the people of God delivered something to help—like encouragement, or goods, or a verse, or even a smile or a hug? Are you plugged in to a church or fellowship of believers where you can enjoy this type of community?
• Would you like to be that hand extended? You can be God’s agent for good to those around you today. Consider taking a moment to pray and ask God to help you notice opportunities to bless others.
Yahweh is on my side among those who help me. Psalm 118:7 (WEB)
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