Different Gifts

December 23, 2024 00:04:38
Different Gifts
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Different Gifts

Dec 23 2024 | 00:04:38


Show Notes


Do you ever wish you had someone else’s talent? Maybe you have a friend or family member who’s really good at math or basketball or singing. Sometimes, when we look at what others can do, it’s easy to feel like we don’t measure up.

In times like these, it can be helpful to think about Christmas presents. While it can be fun to get everyone the same gift—like handing out candy canes to your friends or getting funny hats for your family—there’s something special about choosing unique gifts for the people who are closest to you, finding presents that suit their personalities. Maybe you give a chess set to one person, and a tool belt to another. Everyone has different interests and talents, so it makes sense to give different presents to different people.

The same is true with the spiritual gifts and natural abilities God has given us. They’re unique and valuable, and everyone will have different ones. It can be tempting to compare our gifts to other’s and think that what we can do isn’t as good or important, but that’s not how God sees it.

God gives His children all sorts of different gifts and abilities. Some people are good at school-related subjects, and others have a knack for fixing and building things. We shouldn’t think less of our talents just because they’re not the same as somebody else’s. God created each of us the way we are, and He loves us regardless of what we can do. So, instead of wishing we had somebody else’s gift, we can thank Him for the gifts He’s given us—and use them to help others. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can do our best at whatever we do, knowing Jesus loves us just the way we are. • A. W. Smith

• Jealousy and discontentment are sneaky. They can work their way in to how we view ourselves and our own gifts. But Jesus and His love are stronger than any discontentment or jealousy. How have you noticed these feelings or thought patterns showing up in your heart? Consider taking a moment to honestly talk to Jesus about the things you wish you could do, but also thank Him for the wonderful gifts and abilities He has given you, and ask Him to help you use them well.

• Do you struggle to notice your own gifts and abilities? That’s okay, lots of us do! Who is a trusted Christian in your life who can help you discover what you’re good at?

Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10 (CSB) 

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