Fleeing from my mind, My fractured soul How far I run I do not know. Attacking my heart, Emotions, burning Branding me within, Fear inside churning. Alone, I shout out, LORD, HELP ME, Falling down, I pray, Jesus, please save me, Silence until My tears tumbling down, Barriers crumble within, Peace is found. Fragmented soul You, Jesus, restore. Sadness turns into joy, Healing me once more. Cindy Lee When life is too much for us, when our thoughts are churning inside us, it’s natural to feel like running away. But Jesus, our loving Savior, invites us to run to Him (Matthew 11:28-30). He died and rose again, and He will free us from the anguish inside our souls as we draw near to Him. What is weighing on you today? How might Jesus be inviting you to come to Him? Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. James 4:10 (NLT)
Read Verses:
Isaiah 55:6-Isaiah 55:7; James 4:7-James 4:10
The Corinthians passage above is a pretty common one that you might be familiar with. You may have heard it read at weddings or...
When the night is dark, Your light dissolves the shadows. When sadness spills from my heart, Your mercy dries my tears. When fear extends...
READ: ROMANS 12; 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16 I felt a complete emptiness. What was the purpose of life? As a newer Christian, my life wasn’t...