Going out to look for one sheep when there are a number of others in need of care seems a little crazy. What if something happened to the other sheep while the shepherd was off looking for the one that was lost? It can be hard to imagine anyone caring enough about me or you to go out and look for us while also taking care of dozens of others like us. In God’s eyes, our value is equal to the value of the people around us. As much as it might not feel that way sometimes, it’s true. When we are lost, God cares enough to seek us out. If you are trying to hide from God because you are doing things that go against His good ways, know that He sees you and He wants to rescue you. God was willing to give up everything for you. He gave up His only Son, Jesus, to die so that you wouldn’t have to. Then Jesus rose again from the dead, defeating sin and death to make a way for you to be brought home to God’s family. God wants you to be with Him forever because He loves you. If sending His Son to die and raise from the dead wasn’t enough to prove that God loves you, think about the shepherd with the sheep. While he could have stayed with his ninety-nine sheep, he went off to find the one and complete the family. Nothing is too hard for God, and He will do big things to get your attention and to look out for you. Emily Acker Do you ever wonder if you are as valuable as other peopleif God loves you specifically and not just because He loves the whole world? How might today’s passage speak into that? Do you feel lost sometimes? Maybe you’ve been making bad choice after bad choice and are pushing God away. How might God be reaching out to you today? To learn more about what Jesus did to make a way for you to be with Him, check out our “Know Jesus” page. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I [Jesus] will give you rEsther Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Matthew 18:11-14; Luke 19:10
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