READ: LUKE 15:1-32; JOHN 13:34
I said, “Give me my portion of the goods,”
And in my youthful heart I knew he would.
I took, and turned, and quickly walked away
And relished in the freedom of that day.
For pleasures I had dreamed about I’d roam,
Not once regretting ever leaving home.
I traveled far until one fateful day
I found I lost my treasure on the way.
There was no food to eat—no bread, no figs;
I sadly found myself among the pigs.
Where could I go, how could I now survive?
“I hurt my father when I left,” I cried.
But home I went, I’d beg him to forgive,
If only I could have a place to live.
Then, to my unbelievable surprise,
I saw the love within my father’s eyes.
I know now fully what it means to live—
To honor, to do good, and to forgive… • Sharon Roberts
• Today’s poem is based on a parable Jesus told in Luke 15:11-32. Consider taking some time to read this passage slowly. What do you notice? How did the younger son hurt his father? How did his father respond?
• Just as the father in the parable received his long-lost son, running to him and embracing him, God receives us. He longs for us to turn away from sin and come home to Him. That’s why Jesus died for our sins and rose again—because God wants to lavish us with forgiveness and mercy, and welcome us as His own children! Find out more on our "Know Jesus" page.
• God extends compassion and forgiveness to us, even though we could never deserve it. But sometimes, when God gives grace to another sinner like us, we feel resentful. Sometimes we look down on others because we’ve fallen into the trap of thinking we’re not in need of Jesus’s saving grace anymore, like the older son in the parable. How does looking to our good Father, and remembering the love and grace He daily shows us, help us extend that love and grace to others?
“He arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” Luke 15:20 (WEB)
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