Darkness. That’s all I can see. There used to be so many dazzling lights—my friends, my family. They’re all gone now. I’ll probably never see them again. My own light is dimming. The Shadow keeps reaching closer and closer. I gave up fighting him long ago. The Shadow could overtake me anytime, but I think he enjoys watching my fear slowly turn to despair and defeat.
Elyon, where did you go? Why did you leave us? It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to Elyon. I vowed I never would again, not since everyone’s lights went out. I guess old habits are hard to break. I open my eyes one last time, deciding I would prefer to know when the Shadow finishes me off. But what my eyes see astonishes me. The very fact they see something other than the Shadow is odd. There, way off, is a…light? I must be imagining this. It can’t be.
“Why do you doubt what you know to be true?” That voice! Just the sound of it brings tears to my eyes. Can it really be you? “Yes, my child. I have never left you. You merely needed to look.” I suddenly feel a warmth stir inside of me. Looking down, I gasp in shock. My light! The Shadow around me starts swirling in anger. But The Light swells even brighter in response, causing the Shadow to shriek away, my fear going with him.
I run to embrace The Light, and as soon as I touch Him, The Light spreads like a wildfire—consuming every corner of darkness, until nothing but the Shadow himself remains. There is nowhere left for him to hide. I watch as even he is eventually consumed by The Light, exploding into a million fireworks. But instead of fading, the embers grow brighter. They’re back, all of them. Every light that had been snuffed out, is back. “The Shadow was blinding you to the truth. Their lights were never extinguished, merely hidden.” • Jessica Lutz
• Can you think of a time when it felt like God had abandoned you? Sometimes the darkness of the world can be overwhelming. But Jesus is The Light. He came into our dark world, and through His death and resurrection, God “has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins” (Colossians 1:12-14). Jesus’s light is always shining in this dark world, and if we know Him, even death cannot extinguish our light. He promises to always be with us and to raise us to eternal life. (John 1:1-14; Romans 8:35-39; 1 Corinthians 15:26)
“I [Jesus] am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” John 8:12 (NLT)
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