READ: PSALM 139:23-24; 2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17; HEBREWS 4:12-16
Do you know why dentists take x-rays of our teeth? Even though dentists and dental hygienists look for cavities while they clean people’s teeth, some small cavities can’t be seen with just the human eye. So, by using an x-ray, dentists can find cavities before they’re visible on the surface. Then they can fill those small cavities to make sure the problem doesn’t get any worse, saving us from more painful issues in the future.
X-rays are a big help because they show us things in our bodies that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to see. In a way, the Bible does that too. Through His Word, God examines our hearts and shows us our need for Jesus. As we read or listen to the Bible, He shows us where there’s sin in our lives—and He also points us to the remedy.
The truth is, a lot of sin in our lives can remain hidden—even hidden from ourselves! But when we examine ourselves through the lens of the Bible, we realize how desperately we need a Savior. Seeing our own sinfulness is never easy. In fact, it can be deeply painful. But it’s more painful to let sin stay hidden in the darkness, where it will grow and cause more and more damage. We can only find freedom by bringing our sin into the light and letting Jesus deal with it (Ephesians 5:8-14). Because He loves us so much, Jesus went to the cross for us, giving up His life so we could be forgiven. Then He rose from the dead, and now His Spirit lives inside everyone who puts their trust in Him. He delights in helping us walk in His good ways, leaving our old, sinful ways behind and instead doing what’s right.
So as we read the Bible we can be on the lookout for what God might want to say to us. Like an x-ray, Scripture reveals things inside us that we can’t always see— things like cruel thoughts and selfish desires. It shows us sin in our hearts, and it also tells us about Jesus and how He died and rose again to save us from sin. As soon as we recognize our sin, the best thing we can do is confess it to God. Then walk forward in freedom, following our loving Savior. • A. W. Smith
• Have you ever been convicted of a sin while reading the Bible? As you read today’s Scripture passages, consider asking Jesus to show you what you need to give over to Him today.
• It can be helpful to confess our sin to trusted Christians who can remind us of Jesus’s love and grace and encourage us to walk with Him. Who is someone in your life you can be honest with?
For the word of God is alive and active…it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)
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