Sing His Praise

September 30, 2024 00:04:00
Sing His Praise
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Sing His Praise

Sep 30 2024 | 00:04:00


Show Notes

READ: PSALMS 28:7; 33:1-3; 40:3; COLOSSIANS 3:16

While I was in high school, I wrote the first version of today’s poem as a song for my personal worship time. Although I can’t read or write music, I can strum a few chords on the guitar and still enjoy singing this song in my devotional time with God. Music is God’s gift to everyone, no matter how “musically inclined” we are (or not!). Through music, God helps us interact with Him in a unique way. We can speak to Him in song, and God often speaks to our hearts as we sing to Him. And, since Scripture repeatedly tells us to sing to God, I believe He delights in our songs more than we can imagine!

Sing a song of praise

unto the King of Kings;

Sing a song of praise—

He has done wondrous things!


Sing a song of praise

unto the Lord of Peace;

Sing a song of praise—

Let not your voices cease!


Sing His praise—Alleluia!

Shout His praise—Alleluia!

Sing a song! Sing a song of praise!


Sing a song of praise

unto the Lamb of old;

Sing a song of praise—

The Word of Truth behold!


Sing a song of praise

unto the LORD Most High;

Sing a song of praise—

His Name is Adonai!


Sing His praise—Alleluia!

Shout His praise—Alleluia!

Sing a song! Sing a song of praise! • G. Kam Congleton

• Jesus is the King and Lord of all creation, and yet He chose to humble Himself, taking the position of a servant and dying on a cross, then rising from the dead to make the way for us, His creation, to be with Him. What are some ways we can praise Him for that amazing act of love?

• Consider writing your own song of praise: Pick a Scripture passage—maybe Nehemiah 9:5-6 or one of today’s Bible passages. Then use some of your favorite phrases to create your own song to the Lord. No matter your musical bent, you can be sure of one thing: God is listening, and He delights in your song!

I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:17 (NIV) 

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