Struggling with Doubts

May 25, 2020 00:03:45
Struggling with Doubts
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Struggling with Doubts

May 25 2020 | 00:03:45


Show Notes

Have you ever struggled with doubt or questions about God? If you have, you aren’t alone. God actually wants us to ask the questions we have about Him. In fact, we can go directly to Him with any question (James 1:5). Some of the questions you have might include: Can God really love me when I sin daily? (Romans 5:8) If I ask forgiveness for my sins, does God really forgive me? (Psalm 103:10-14; 1 John 1:92:1) No one really knows how I feel. Does God know how I feel? (Psalm 139:4-6; Hebrews 4:14-16) Can my faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection really save me from sin and death? (John 3:16) Will God listen to me if He knows I’m struggling? Will God turn His back on me if I doubt my faith? (Romans 8:38-39) Remember, we are all human. At one time or another, we have all struggled with doubts or questions. The important thing to remember is that, in Christ, you are secure. Jesus walks with His people, giving us rest from our struggle with doubtsrest in all He is and has done (Matthew 11:28-30). Alexis Wohler What questions do you have about God? Who is a trusted Christian in your life you can bring those questions tosuch as a pastor, youth leader, parent, etc.? Why is it important that you are secure in Christ even when you have questions? Be merciful to those who doubt. Jude 1:22 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Jude 1:22-24

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