Latest Episodes

What to Do When You Doubt
We all have doubts and questions from time to time. Does God exist? Are heaven and hell real? Does the Bible actually teach what...

Conformed to Christ
In recent years, our local high school has turned out two star basketball players. One, since graduating, has gone on to play in the...

When Home Hurts
I’ll never forget the first time I saw it: the foreclosure notice tacked to the front door. At fifteen, I was old enough to...

Do you like leftovers? I love them. I would prefer to take leftovers as my lunch over a sandwich any day! When I was...

How Do I Love God?
We are told over and over again: Love the Lord your God, but what does that mean? How do we do that? Do we...

Questions for God
A deer’s impressive hooves allow her to sprint across an open field at thirty miles per hour. If threatened, she can leap over a...