Latest Episodes

Eyes Like Jesus
As a believer in Jesus, how do you think God sees you? What do you think His eyes see when He looks at you?...

When God created you, He knew every part of you. He gifted you, not because He had to, but because of the amazing love...

Whether we have known Jesus for a long time or a little while, we know that being part of His bodythe churchis important. But...

Study God’s Word
Do you prefer to dip your fries in ketchup or ranch? Some will vote for ketchup, and some will vote for ranch. Others will...

The Landkeeper
There is a Land beyond the river. A perfect Land, not flawed like our own. But the journey is so difficult, it requires perfection....

Trees, Mist, Humans, and God
When I was a little kid, I planted a tree in our backyard. It was really just a short branch that I stuck in...